Thursday 30 June 2016

A Smile will fix it all

A Simple smile will take away all your worries and anxieties ,So Keep smiling always ,it will help you to restore your mental health as well as make you look beautiful,If you learn to smile in hard and tough situations,you will be relieved from all your worries,looking at your smile other people will also smile.

Benefits of smiling:-

1) It Makes you look beautiful,
2) A good smile attracts people towards you,
3) A photo graph with smile makes you look outstanding,
4) Smile enhances your confidence,
5) Smiling releases your stress,
6) Smiling changes your mood and refreshes you,
7) Smiling lowers your blood pressure,
8) Smiling makes us feel good and enjoy our life,
9) Smile costs nothing,
10) Smiling makes you feel positive.

So now you know all just remember to smile and throw off all tensions and anxieties.

Sunday 26 June 2016

7 Keys to a Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship is the key to happiness,A relationship can be turned healthy with good understanding and proper love between the two,In order to make a relationship long lasting and beautiful you need to be aware of certain key points,these key points play a very crucial role in maintaining the health of a relationship,The key points are as follows:-

1)Trust each other:-Trusting each other is important in any relation,you both need to have complete trust on each other,A good relation is build on the roots of trust,doubts will lead to end of the relation,in a long run.

2)Spend time with your lover:-Though technology has made it possible to communicate to anyone anytime far or near with ease,but still spending time together is very important,To get together,you can have a weekend out together and make time for each other,go for movies,dining etc.

3)Share everything:-Two lovers never expect the other party to hide anything from them,this should be from both ends,share everything with your lover,this will make him/her feel importance in your life and will help both of your share the good and bad moments together,share experiences,about your day,how is life ,what's going on and so on.

4)Respect him/her:-Respecting your lover is very important,they should not feel like an option in your life,you should treat them properly and with respect,don't pull off your anger on your partner,they should be treated with love and respect,you can show respect by holding his/her hand in front of your friends,to make them feel ,how important he/she is for you and you are glad to have him/her.

5)Don't cheat or flirt with others:-When in a relationship,you should not try to cheat with your partner,all your feelings should be there only and only for your partner,do not try to impress any one else,your love should be only for your partner.

6)Exchange gifts regularly:-Offering gifts to your partner will make him/her feel loved,your gifts will prove him/her how much you actually love and care,and also remind them of you when ever they see it,now days you can personalize the gifts from sites like Printvenue and offer personalized gifts having your images.

7)Understand each other:-Last but not the least,since you both are partners and lover understanding each other is very important,every one is different,never compare your love with anyone,understand each other ask give freely.

Hope our tips will help you in making your relationship more fruitful.

Table of 9 -The Easy way

Memorizing tables was one of the very big job during our childhood days,We used to learn various tables by recalling them again and again,their were few simple ways to remember the tables like adding the number again and again or doing some other trick with the tables,The table of 9 looks a bit harder to memorize ,but to be truthful 9's table is not as hard as we thought,the image below shows us a simple and amazing way table of 9 follows.

When you closely look at the table of 9,you will discover that 9's table has the digits in serial from 0 to 9 and 9 to 0 ,in order words if you write the digits 0 to 9 and 9 to 0 the table of 9 is complete refer the image below to understand the concept,we hope after this the table of 9 will be at your tips,share this trick will all your friends,children and people who need this,hope you liked the article ,we will share some other amazing tips in our future posts,thanks for reading.